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How about a Fire Force?

To protect from wildfire smoke wear N95 masks, fitted by professionals, useless on children (“Take steps to protect yourself from wildfire smoke,” Guest opinion, July 14th). Not even a “Band-Aid” solution. We need an aggressive approach to reduce the wildfire smoke instead of suffering the consequences of this new normal.

Trump wants a Space Force. Right idea, wrong realm. Instead a Fire Force. Multiple squadrons of large fire-retardant bombers, DC-10 or larger, to get situations under control swiftly by “carpet bombing” wildfires.

Taxes pay to have Reserve and Guard pilots maintain their flying skills. Dropping fire retardant in adverse conditions is effective training.

Share the cost of building, operating and maintaining the Fire Force by utilizing these resources globally to fight this common enemy. Partner with Canada and southern hemisphere countries that have the opposite fire season from ours.

Our state, with the aerospace industry, is uniquely positioned to benefit from this effort. Quality jobs are created to build and retrofit aircraft. Boeing can re-purpose the 737 Max for this beneficial role, offsetting some of the economic damage caused by wildfires and smoke.

Or we – but only facial hair free adults – use inadequate masks or stay indoors and not spend money on outdoor activities.

Mark Mullane


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