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A male abortion solution

Since it seems many males in this country want to be involved in choosing for women – not just morally but constitutionally – how they take care of their wombs, how about turning the tables?

Instead of women taking all the risks, let’s have men take the high ground and decide that all males should be sterilized at a certain age – hmmmm …maybe 18. This would help women avoid the difficult path of an unwanted or unplanned or incestual or criminal pregnancy and allow the self-righteous to still feel good.

Not only is this a really smart medical solution – where a vasectomy is a quick, outpatient, often reversible and inexpensive procedure, compared to abortion: riskier, and by many considered taking a sacred life (murder).

Is killing sperm considered murder? No. Could it help our world in other ways? Yes – think population control (probably the root of climate change and all its ramifications). As we all know, a woman normally can produce only one child every nine months. How many pregnancies can a man produce in nine months?

Come on – this makes good sense and allows the self-righteous to still feel righteous.

B. L. Jones


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