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Citizens should have say

This letter is written in response to violent sexual offenders being released in Spokane.

Do the people in Spokane have any say in this travesty being imposed on our community? Do the people of Spokane have the right to say we want to protect our young people as well as vulnerable adults?

This appears to be a follow-the-money concept without regard to community safety. The Lincoln house is near areas where young people participate in sports, school and where there are dining establishments. This is wrong to accept these individuals into our community. They should (if eligible for release) be returned to their prior communities.

One of the recently released and accepted into our community admitted to reporters that he deserved “to be locked up for life, his thoughts will never go away.”

This is wrong and it is wrong that the citizens have no say in bringing more criminals to Spokane.

Peggy McCoy


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The Spokesman-Review
999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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