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Schools are our future

School’s out, money’s out, the wheel has made a full turn, again. School districts around the state in debt, again. Layoffs and program cutbacks in place, again. Who pays the biggest price? Students, families and line staff in schools. Oh, and our future.

Let there be round tables of communities across the state, all voices represented and respected equally. Around the tables are first, students, their families, school line staff, representatives of community resources, and business people. The goal: listen and think broadly and deeply about the educational needs of our children, our future. It is essential that we discover and implement fundamental change in our educational system. The contract, finger-pointing and blame are left at the door.

Energy and money spent on short-term solutions, emergency planning for inevitable reductions, deplete us personally, educationally, financially. We endanger our future, especially the future of our children and their future.

Let current debt be wiped out one time, with the generosity of philanthropist(s) in our state as an investment, a commitment (probably tax deductible). Robert F. Smith, entrepreneur and African American, pledged to pay student debt of 2019 graduates of Morehouse College, asking that they pay it forward.

Elaine Tyrie


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