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How Spokane is seen

Once again Spokane is in the national spotlight, not a positive spotlight, due to extreme political philosophy by a handful of politicians and others. Followers of extremism don’t care but the rest of us better!

For example, a recent Associated Press story in the San Diego Tribune with a headline “Hate, far-right extremism makes comeback in Pacific Northwest” features a photo of Matt Shea, the poster child for a crazed ideology that is dangerous. He spreads conspiracy theories about a civil war between “Christian patriots” and others.

The recent gathering of conservative secessionists supporting a 51st state called Liberty would be comical if it weren’t for those who don’t see it that way and attend, carrying guns. This idea is championed by Shea.

More concerning is attendance of County Prosecutor Larry Haskell and Councilman Mike Fagan. Both were quoted in the May 25 S-R that they were there to listen to the proposal. Really? Fagan led a cheer supporting the idea! The meeting brought protesters who were confronted by armed men. Why would Haskell place himself in a situation where violence could erupt and prosecution could be needed? What other extreme ideology does he follow?

Chris Powell


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