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‘Free market’ ambiguous

What’s a “free market”?

Readers might consider the following scenarios to help them differentiate between good or bad aspects of the role of government:

1. Assume you are in the rapidly expanding “pot” business in Washington, have a surplus supply you think would fetch higher prices in Colorado, and you own an 18-wheeler. You decide to load up your surplus product and haul it to Colorado, taking a direct route through Idaho, Montana, Wyoming and Utah. Reality check: Federal law prohibits interstate transfer of pot. Is this a free market?

2. Assume you decide to open a business, any business. Then you learn you are required to apply for and pay the cost of a variety of business licenses. Free market, controlled capitalism or simply another cost of doing business?

3. Assume your school-age children attend the local public schools, where they are issued free textbooks and play sports where the schools supply uniforms, practice fields, coaches, and rides to and from the scheduled games, driving on roads built by various government entities. How do you categorize an economy with free schools: “Free market,” controlled capitalism, or part socialistic?

Robert McGinty

Liberty Lake

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