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Schultz’s ego

The recent announcement by Howard Schultz of his candidacy for president displays another individual who feels entitled to our nation’s most important job on the mere basis of being a wealthy businessman.

He quickly made apparent that his sole intent is to maintain the status quo for himself and the billionaire class with the possibility of becoming a spoiler against progressive candidates that support the changes our country desperately needs in the upcoming 2020 elections. His behavior plainly illustrates that he intends to use the influence of his money against the will of the people if the corrupt establishment Democrats do not appoint a candidate that is to his personal liking, one that serves the interests of the rich few while ignoring the problems faced by the many.

In effect, Schultz is telling us that he would rather see the destruction of our country and the world continue under the current train wreck that occupies the White House today. If there was ever an example of how low people like Schultz can sink if they don’t get their way, a billionaire with an ego bloated by the perception that wealth is an indicator of one’s human worth, this is it.

David Cannon


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