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Comprehensive sex ed needed

It was powerful to see that SB 5395 passed the Washington state Senate; now it just needs to pass in the House.

In Washington state, 8 percent of 8th-graders, 25 percent of 10th-graders and 51 percent of 12th-graders reported being sexually active before graduation (OSPI). Nationally, over 50 percent of new STD cases come from 15- to 24-year olds (CDC).

I support sex education that will decrease unintentional pregnancies and the spread of infections. Including consent and discussion of healthy relationships in sex education supports health in an entirely holistic sense. By addressing what violence and abuse can look like in relationships allows for young people to understand what a safe relationship looks like. By discussing consent, each young person will be able to understand clear boundaries of healthy relationships.

The opposition states that this education could take place in the home, but research shows that isn’t happening - with parents choosing to perhaps teach inaccurate or abbreviated information. This lack of education can cause lifelong consequences for young people, who are moving forward in their intimate and non-intimate relationships without experience or adequate, evidence-based knowledge.

Talk to your House representative today and let them know you support our youth and support sex ed in our schools!

Leta Lawhead


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