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Re-think the 2020 vote

Election Day 2018 we voted to expand Medicaid to thousands of desperate fellow citizens with no health coverage. More of us voted to do this than voted for Brad Little for governor.

If we had been voting like this about eight years ago for Democrats we’d have had a Democratic majority for our state government. Every state with a Democratic majority expanded Medicaid with no strings attached. Republican-controlled states have fought it just like Otter and just like our state Legislature is now when a citizen-driven initiative passed. Those Republican-controlled states tried to and often succeeded in throwing thousands of their citizens off access to the expansion. We must make sure it does not happen here.

Not only is our Republican-controlled state Legislature fighting this, freshman legislator Scott Grow from Meridian wants to make sure this type of citizen-driven, extraordinarily popular initiative does not happen again. He’s introduced a bill to make it much harder for us to ever do this again, SB1159, better named the “Public Be Damned Act.”

If this disregard for us disturbs you like it does me, it is already time to start thinking of who we vote for in 2020.

Dallas Chase


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