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Holzhauer is amazing

Oh, the poor whiners. They say “Jeopardy!” is boring and no longer competitive since James Holzhauer began competing. Like all great individuals throughout history, we are witnessing one more human who is raising the bar and setting a new standard.

People marveled and celebrated Ford, Westinghouse, Tesla, Einstein, Nicklaus, Gates, Jordan, Jackson and Sinatra, to name a few. They gushed at the intuition, creativity, novelty, brilliance and athleticism and inspired many to replicate their accomplishments.

I’m amazed at what I am witnessing: an individual competing and consistently winning against a database of untold thousands of questions and answers created by previous champions plus two humans on stage and is demonstrating the power of the human brain. I can’t wait to see James play again and applaud his genius.

Larry Treffry


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