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Art shouldn’t be a requirement

I am a student at Mead High School, and it is impossible for me to graduate without taking art.

When I first arrived here for orientation as a middle-schooler, they showed us all of the requirements to graduate — all of which made sense, except for art. At Mead and other high schools, students must take at least 1-2 years of art in order to meet graduation requirements.

Art isn’t bad, and should still be offered for those artistically talented and that enjoy doing it. But a lot of us aren’t very good at art and strongly dislike it. Plus, students will get bad grades and can end up failing the class, just because they aren’t good at art and/or because they don’t give their full effort since they don’t want to be taking the class.

Overall, I personally think that art should not be a requirement, but should only be offered for those who want to take it.

Braxton Pettey


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