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Lockwood an advocate for all
Our school board needs a strong parent and student advocate. Nikki Lockwood is that person. She understands the power of positive relationships for our schools to work.
These are the relationships between teachers and parents and the support staff in each building. These are the relationships that ensure trust and safety so learning happens for all students. Spokane Public Schools are mostly excellent schools.
One continuing issue however is that there are differences in graduation rates and suspension rates that reflect race, income, and disability. Nikki is a strong advocate for these groups that experience disproportionality. Public education is based on the principle of equity and Nikki Lockwood would be an asset to the School Board to promote that principle in policies and practices. She is both passionate and knowledgeable when sharing a parent, student, or community perspective. This perspective needs greater voice in order to meet the SPS slogan “Excellence for All”.
Nikki Lockwood is an advocate for all.
Fred Schrumpf