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Treloar fights for integrity

I am voting for Katey Trealoar for Spokane School Board Position 1. Katey’s experience as a classroom teacher and as a Spokane Public Schools parent gives her firsthand knowledge of what it is like to be in our schools. Katey is a level-headed woman who researches every topic before weighing in on a decision. She is thorough, thoughtful and exemplary at looking at the big picture. Katey will always put children and teachers first.

Katey will not shy away from the current issues. She will fight for the integrity of the educational process, hold children responsible for their behavior and support teachers, so they may teach.

As a board member, Katey will dedicate her time to developing long-term, sustainable planning, fiscal responsibility and bring the voice of common sense and leadership needed.

Katey Treloar is a vote for positive change.

Robbie Brncick


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