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Woodward for mayor

I’m writing this letter in response to the article real estate scion backing Woodward dated Oct. 20 (“Real estate scion backing Woodward”).

Once again Ben Stuckart has chastised a taxpaying citizen Fritz Wolff, who has created jobs for the middle class, and paid millions of dollars in tax revenue to the city building houses and apartment complexes. Fritz Wolff has contributed to many nonprofits, as well.

Ben Stuckart’s knee-jerk reaction to Mr. Wolff’s wealth, stating he inherited it, and didn’t earn it. In other words, he’s entitled. This is so typical of a left-wing socialist who places party above principle. Stuckart seems to think capitalism is a four-letter word. Fritz Wolff is a prime example of how a private citizen in a free market system can create wealth, becoming a millionaire or even a billionaire.

Mr. Stuckart, on the other hand, wants more government intervention. For example, his plan for the homeless population is to build more shelters. This would only attract more homeless people, free health care and abolish ICE. He also wants to make Spokane a sanctuary city. Talk about entitlements.

Ben Stuckart is a partisan hack. He does not have Spokane’s best interest in mind nor possesses the proper temperament to become mayor.

Nadine Woodward would provide the proper leadership, resolve the homeless problem and make Spokane a safer place.

Thomas Serafini


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