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Creating the rage

What does it take to inflame lots of folks? In the mass shootings, we think they are random, but aren’t they just sprinkled throughout the country?

Could gaslighting have anything to do with it? There are targets in most as to a reason why they felt the rage. But what is gaslighting? Wild accusatory talk. How does it happen?

First, you float a wild theme on media, preferably one which does not do any fact-checking, and do it early in the morning. Two, deny what you said and say “It may be true; some say it is.” Keep the suspense, “More on it could be coming soon.” Four, discredit anyone who disagrees, call them names, “phony, crazy, dumb,” etc. Five, self-congratulate on how well things are going. Any data that disputes this will be dismissed as dishonest or rigged.

Any of these practices sound familiar? See yourself being sucked into any of this pattern? Sadly, this is happening in our country on a daily basis. Why should we be aware or care? Because what you hear and believe can be so caustic it tears the country apart. We really cease to be a United States and become the divided States of America.

Look up “Gaslighting America” at the library. It is an informative book that is a page-turner, written recently by a Republican journalist.

Cathy Gunderson


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