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They’ll be missed

The recent program change at ESPN 700 has me puzzled. I’m not sure if this COVID-19-related or just a cost-cutting measure for the station.

Dennis (Patchin) and Rick (Lukens) were family and they took care of us by talking local sports. Gonzaga, WSU, EWU, Seahwaks, Mainers, and local high schools were topics of choice for us the audience. I know Dennis and Rick bowed out last Friday at 5:00 like the good sports they are.

This listener will miss the informative and often humorous three-hour block Monday-Friday. I imagine Zerorez, Custom Decks and Frosted Brewed Coors Light will miss the continued mention of their names.

Dennis and Rick may be done and want to just mellow to no scheduled events or commitments of a Monday - Friday job. My hope is that someone will pickup another local radio sports talk show and run with what Steve the Wingman, Dennis Patchins and Rick Luckins have entertained me with since early 2013-April 3, 2020.

Thanks for the ride guys! Well done, good and faithful local sports talk radio guys, well done!

Dave Kelley

Post Falls

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