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The “curve”

Lotta talk about “the COVID-19 curve” and where various communities are on it. It’s all nonsense. You’ll notice Fauci justifies his idea that there is a “curve” as he looks at the number of positive cases. But he’ll never address the idea that the number of positive cases is a direct result of the number of tests available.

Fauci’s “curve” reflects our nation’s ability to ramp up testing for COVID-19. Unfortunately for his agenda, there are a lotta tests out now not even being used.

Coronaviruses cause the common cold. No one knows how long a person may stay immune once infected with COVID-19. Coronaviruses mutate quickly. Because of these three facts, we’ve never been able to produce an effective vaccine against the common cold. An effective COVID-19 vaccine is a pipe dream. For the same reasons, antibody testing for COVID-19 may not be useful in determining what we as a society should do about the presence of this virus.

It’s decision time. Either buck up, get some courage, end the lockdown, get back to work, and as always, try to protect the vulnerable. Or stay in lockdown indefinitely and accept the consequences. Sooner or later we all gotta go … and quit sniffling.

Cris Kennedy


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