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How will history judge us?

What degree of cost is tolerable to save a life? A certain debt amount? Maybe when the ratio of impacted living souls to unfortunate soul(s) meets a threshold point? Written policy? Degree of unity? IDK. I go by my heart and whether I’m in a position to save.

I’m in position today — as are, as I see it, nearly everyone else. Simply stay home, where you are, or to your best ability a distance which hinders the travel of the virus. Harm to the country’s economy and increasing debt? Yes. But how will we pick ourselves up? Yell for help, or grab our bootstraps? What do we want for our children and grandchildren?

I believe when they look back, learn of these times, and how we fought to save lives, as a country, at the detriment of our economy, they will admire our hearts, and emulate our love of country when they guide us, as their elders had, through their crisis.

Frank Schoonover


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