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Dams and extremists

My ears perked up when I was listening to a Cathy McMorris Rodgers ad today. It was something to the effect that she wouldn’t be like those “extremists” who want to take down dams in the Pacific Northwest. What is her definition of extremist? Three and a half years ago, Donald Trump promised to keep the coal industry alive and well, in spite of the incredible damage to our air and health. Cathy didn’t speak up then to extreme polluters, or his support of them.

Since then a lot of progress has taken place in the energy field. Cleaner types of energy are available for a much cheaper price. Does she condemn those who are replacing coal with solar and wind as extremists? To me, it’s just plain capitalism and recognizing the benefit of better health.

Progress … change … life won’t always look like the past. If newer ways of acquiring energy are shown to be cheaper and healthier, then maybe it’s time to seriously look at the breaching of dams. The benefits of the return of native fish to Idaho, Washington, and Oregon might well be worth the change. It’s progress…..change for the better.

When I heard Mrs. McMorris Rodgers use the word extremist, I was thinking more of a president who breaks every norm we’ve held dearly in our country since its inception, not for progress sake, but for personal gain at the expense of the USA and its citizens.

Bruce Embrey


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