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The system is broken

Times are hard, and with taxes and the high cost of living, many find it difficult to get by. Poor and middle class get hit the hardest, making it a struggle for families and ones barely making enough to ensure security for them and their loved ones.

This makes it difficult financially for those less fortunate. Access to certain things like proper care, for children and people who are not of privilege, is also hard to find or even afford. Many have to pay out of pocket to go to a doctor, when they can barely pay their bills.

How is this fair? Just because some make less than others doesn’t mean they should denied proper care or even education. This is not right! We too deserve decent reasonable care. Education Just like everyone else.

We don’t deserve more taxes or higher living expenses. This proves our system is broken!

Angela Jensen


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
Spokane, WA 99201
(509) 459-3815

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