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The false equivalence danger

The false equivalence displayed by William Baxley (“Divide and conquer,” Feb. 11) is a clear danger to democracy. The Democratic led House of Representatives has passed almost 400 bills aimed at serving the people, from raising a minimum wage that has been stagnant for decades, to protecting people with pre-existing conditions, to protecting our election system from interference, and more. Mango Mussolini and Moscow Mitch refuse to support those things, to the detriment of most Americans.

The Republicans are changing the nation from the government serving the people, to the government being a dictatorship there to support the very few at the top. The president ordering the Department of Justice to protect convicted criminals who are his buddies is only one example.

The false equivalence is one pushed by Russia in order to say democracy, including voting rights, is passe. It’s a danger to our freedom and a destruction of our Constitution.

David Teich

Spokane Valley

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