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Some regrets
I can appreciate Elliot Nethercutt’s loyalty to his father, as well as his praise of his father’s legitimate accomplishments for the 5th District (“Nethercutt at 25 years: Satisfaction, no regrets,” Feb. 19).
On the other hand, I wish Rep. Nethercutt had been willing to admit that his defeat of a sitting U.S. speaker had been based, largely, on the call for term limits from which he subsequently exempted himself.
Further, at some months Rep. Nethercutt’s senior, and having served three tours in Vietnam during that war, as well as having spent 26 years in 45 other countries, I consider some of his comments on our military posture abroad and foreign policy to be somewhat cavalier and insufficiently informed.
Perhaps just my opinion, but for whatever it is worth.
Philip J. Mulligan