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Making us better Catholics

Thank you to Dr. Rob McCann and his thought-provoking video message on systemic racism, for inspiring me to be a better human and a better Catholic.

Great leaders challenge those around them to look at the world and themselves more honestly, and to act accordingly. From a biblical perspective, those leaders were often prophets, who were scorned and ridiculed by their communities and church leadership. Now, in our own community, Dr. McCann and other voices are calling each of us to move beyond racism and injustice.

And, as before, these courageous individuals are being scorned and ridiculed by Bishop Daly and other community members. For my part, I’m deeply inspired and proud that here in Spokane, we have citizens like Dr. McCann leading us towards a more honest and just world.

Gavin Cooley


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999 W. Riverside Ave.
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(509) 459-3815

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