A lesson in respect and civility
Our Spokane City Council needs to adhere to its own rules. In the March 3rd Spokesman-
Review is a quote from Council President Breean Beggs scolding our police chief for what he
believes to be disrespectful conduct by one of the chief’s police officers. “What is the example
we’re going to set?” asked President Beggs.
But in another article in the same edition is a picture of five members of the audience at the same meeting rudely turning their backs on an individual addressing the City Council. I have been told by the council president that this conduct, which apparently is encouraged since it has been permitted for a couple of years, is “free speech.”
Does the council really think that this conduct must be allowed? The council can and has established rules of conduct and decorum at Council meetings. Rule 1.2, Duty of Mutual Respect, says: “Likewise, all persons who attend a Council meeting must act respectfully toward all persons who attend a meeting.” Do council members actually believe that turning one’s back on someone addressing them exemplifies mutual respect? No wonder many choose not to speak or even attend Council meetings.
Double standard? Definitely!
Jim McDevitt