It’s about common values
A metaphor of what we can become.
A pickup basketball game in a neighborhood park with a basketball court and balls provided by the community. No referees are required since the community of players has agreed to the rules of the game and each player agrees to call fouls on themselves. When there are too many players, players rotate in and out to ensure everyone has equal playing time and anyone who wishes to play is accepted.
It’s a game without team ego and where the score is not of paramount importance since the teams are in constant flux and the purpose of the game is the simple joy of coming together to share a few moments doing something they enjoy together. The better players enjoy helping the less skilled players improve as this not only benefits the less skilled, it improves the quality of the game. When questions arise or decisions are in conflict all players come together with possible solutions based on mutual earned respect, integrity and what is most fair and kind to all concerned.
Those without integrity or otherwise unwilling to show respect, fairness and kindness to all are not allowed to play but encouraged to watch from the sideline and to rejoin the game if they accept the rules. Those not willing to accept these underlying principles are encouraged to build their own community, their own park and their own court. They can take their ball and go home.
John S. Emery