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Let’s get real

It strikes me that the current effort to contain the coronavirus spreading across this country may be a preview of another crisis humankind faces, which could possibly portend the sixth mass extinction in this planet’s history, i.e. global climate change. The response of our government to both crises seems remarkably similar, first denial, then pushing the panic button when reality finally sets in.

In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, this could possibly cost hundreds of lives due to the delayed and bungled response. And this seems to be where we are with global climate change: first denial and then a response which will be too little and too late.

It is interesting to note the response of the affected generations, the viral threat will affect the aging generation, which includes me, and the response is clear, “do something quickly”; whereas the generation at risk for climate change, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren, we have made largely voiceless. The brave young Swedish girl, Greta Thunberg, who has tried to speak out for her generation, was put down by our president as having an “anger issue.”

But with our government in the hands of Corporate America, it is not very hopeful that reality will set in before it is too late. So let us each do all in our power to bring the realization of this reality about and give our younger generation all the help we can.

Wayne L. Attwood


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