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Science over party

Did Mayor Woodward and Commissioner Kuney fall into a partisanship trap re: conditions for re-opening during the coronavirus pandemic? I read the same state guidance they did, and it was not “fine print” that the condition of no new cases applies only to smaller counties.

The coronavirus doesn’t belong to a political party. Our governor is responsible for keeping all of us safe regardless of party.

I am greatly relieved Gov. Inslee is guided by science and facts, not magical thinking. I am glad he has a data-driven strategic plan for re-opening. I am glad this plan focuses on limiting deaths. Compare that to the scattered, fact-free, partisan approach of our federal government and some other states.

From what I can see, our state is taking a rational, cautious, nonpartisan approach to re-opening that will avoid future catastrophic virus outbreaks. Yes, this is hard, especially on workers; but it is better than having no plan or pretending we don’t need one because people aren’t dropping dead in the street…yet. We are all in this together. Science, not party loyalty, is the safe way out of this. We need a good map to get there. Inslee gets that, thank God.

Jim Wavada


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