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The Republican Plague
To Spokane Regional Board of Health;
Board members and Spokane citizens and residents,
As I watch the Spokane Regional Health debacle unfold from afar, I feel like I am trapped in a local manifestation of a century of Republican cruel mismanagement. This is just one more historical republican screwjob scourge.
My parents told me of the Republican Teapot Dome ripoff. They told me of the Republican Great Depression. I lived through the Republican Watergate under Nixon. I lived through the Republican tripling of the deficit under Reagan, then I saw Bush, the younger, double the deficit, lie about weapons of mass destruction, start the Iraq war, and give us the great Republican Recession. Then Trump gave us the Republican Virus, the most shameful and deadly response in the world.
Now, right here in Spokaloo, we have our own Republican Plague. Why do we continue with people who are so pathetically inept and dangerous? Why would anyone vote for these local Republicans?
Robert Gilles