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Secret Service threat

I was working as an administrator at Purdue University Northwest when an alumnus with a distinguished career in the Secret Service shared career highlights with students, faculty and staff.

Dale Pupillo spoke of his years of guarding our top leaders and their families. He spoke positively about all of the people he served. When asked about the recent death of his father, he described how incredibly moved he was when Joe and Jill Biden attended his father’s wake. Paying for their own travel, the Bidens came to Indiana, spent time talking with all members of Pupillo’s family, and through their presence, paid their respects to the Secret Service officer who pledged his life to defend the vice president and his family. l)

Compare this to the disrespect paid by President Trump to the Secret Service agents sealed in the limousine tomb with a COVID-infectious president waving, desperate for adulation from his supporters.

I read this morning that more than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with the coronavirus. Yes, they risk their lives for the people they serve, but who could imagine that those they protect pose the greatest risk?

Beth Pellicciotti


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