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Don’t ease up
The recent news about the two front-runner COVID-19 vaccines has brought a faint and somewhat distant light to what is a very dark period in the pandemic - exponential growth of COVID-19 cases with subsequent hospitalizations. Rollbacks across business sectors, while painful, were necessary, and renewed calls for every community member to do what’s been asked of them for months – wear face coverings, physically distance, stay home when feeling ill, and importantly, avoid gatherings, have taken on urgency.
Now, more than ever, this message needs to find a home with everyone. These recommendations are no longer solely when out in public, as social gatherings, large and small, are driving this current surge. While painful, holiday plans need to be reconsidered. Thanksgiving, a la Norman Rockwell, should not be on the calendar, for your health and others in your extended family. Treat other holidays as you do any other day of the week, as indoor gatherings with other than your family bubble put everyone at risk. When indoors and not at home, limit the time spent to what’s necessary.
While things may get worse before they get better, this is not the time to relax our vigilance, as it’s the first time since the pandemic began there’s a beacon of hope on the horizon.
Bob Lutz