Enough with the half-measures
The other day there was yet another major accident on Hwy 195 at Meadowlane Road. In the 2.5 years I have lived in Spokane, these accidents seem to be a quarterly occurrence. It’s time the city and WSDOT stop prevaricating and start solving the problem.
The “problem” is an intersection that gets more dangerous by the day, all while the city allows more and more housing to be proposed. 425 homes along Cedar, along with an additional 20 - eventually 100 - at the top of Eagle Ridge Boulevard, 180 more above St. John’s Lutheran, dozens at Latah Creek and Cheney-Spokane interchange, 30 at the Eagle Ridge Short course…and the solution to this potential addition of 800 households is a “Half J-Turn” that’s been acknowledged as a short-term solution, and one that isn’t even funded currently.
At a certain point, it needs to be acknowledged that as development is allowed and encouraged, the city, county and state are responsible for making sure the corridor is safe. There are teenage drivers and many young families that are more at risk the longer it takes for the powers that be to commit to a permanent solution.
It’s time for our leaders to take on the shared responsibility of protecting the citizens that live, work and travel along Highway 195.
Seth Rima