Losing is hard; it happens
I am responding to Arlene Elisabeth Collins from Thursday’s paper (“Look what you’ve done,” Nov. 12). No, we are NOT doomed because Joe Biden was elected president. We aren’t going to become a Socialist country. Losing is hard — no one likes to experience it — but sometimes it happens, and Life Goes On!
We Democrats survived the Trump administration( barely) and you Republicans WILL survive a Biden administration. I guarantee it.
President Biden won’t do everything right, but we need to give him a chance as this country needs some healing and coming together big time as we did after 9-11.
Now what I think needs to happen is Trump needs to get out of the corner, quit sulking, and put on his Big Boy panties and as hard as it will be for him, accept the fact that he was defeated for a second term, and get on with his new life. I do not expect him to concede.
He also needs to make things available to the Biden administration so they can get things ready and in order to lead America when the new term starts (just like President Obama did for him). This is the way our democracy works and has been done like this for 244 years.
The longer he acts like a spoiled brat, the longer people will hold things against him.
Close to 77 million people voted for the change to right the USA ship.
We the People Have Spoken.
Barb Beck