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Other ways to fluoridate

It is appalling that the City of Spokane is considering adding flouride to its water supply without a vote to the people, or at the very least, taking serious note that this issue has been voted down 3 times in the past. Might the city of Spokane consider that adding flouride is a one-size-fits-all scenario? One-size-fits-all solutions never work! Might they consider those with immune system concerns, or those with serious health-compromised issues should not be taking in flouride in addition to what they might already be getting from toothpaste, mouth rinses, and at the dentist’s office? Many people are getting regular dental car and do not need extra flouride, and others do not want it forced upon them.

It is noble and good to help the poor and other underprivileged children with dental care. There are ways to get flouride to those who need it for dental prevention without adding it to everyone’s clean water. Money spent on a specific population is money well-spent, unlike money spent for a specific population but includes everyone whether they want it or not. That is wasteful! Does the City Council know that most of western Europe does not add flouride to their water? Let’s put our tax dollars into good use, please. No one-size-fits-all because we are NOT an all-one-size people!

Alene Lindstrand


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