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The real issue!

I read the letter from Lucy Holt, (“Why the hang-up?” April 8) who asked what “was the big deal” over the Georgia law that wants ID to vote! That is hardly the issue over the racist law!

ID is only the beginning, and, I suspect, NOT the (real) “problem.” The issue is the INTENTIONAL removal of voting locations, making it ridiculously hard to get an absentee ballot (during a pandemic!!!), and removal of ballot drop boxes in “specific” areas; namely the neighborhoods of people of color and the very poor, many of whom are elderly. Many of whom lack transportation.

Also, Trump intentionally put Louis De Joy in charge of the Postal Service to intentionally slow down the national vote. In a state like ours, where everyone votes by mail (and what the right spread the lie and called “fraud and cheating”) the loss of hundreds of mailboxes and reduced hours at post offices made voting inconvenient … the intention was to make it harder for people to vote.

Now that Trump has been voted out (because all the roadblocks they threw at the voters only INCREASED the voter turnout and they chose President Biden), his former party still intends to curtail the voting rights of those they don’t like … those “certain people” they don’t want voting. We all know what that means!

All of us, including giant corporations, are already fighting back against the racist voter suppression laws! Needing ID is NOT the real issue!

Every American has the right to vote!

Jennifer Bates


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