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Albi vs downtown
I watch with dismay as the people’s will is ignored by not only bully Mark Richard and his cohorts but the school board as well.
We voted on this. I don’t want my money to support a downtown arena. I want it to re-build Albi. The so-called pluses all have dollar signs in front of them. What happens if there is no professional soccer team or it leaves after a few years? It seems like everything depends on that basket of eggs. The minuses are too many to name: parking, noise, parking, traffic, parking, parking, parking. I hope the school board really gives this a lot more thought.
And please read Shawn Vestal’s column this morning (“District should drive a hard bargain on stadium,” April 25). If you bend to the Downtown Partnership, make them pay and pay good. And then pay some more. That way, if things don’t work out the way they are so sure of, the school district will maybe still have something.
Jenny Payne