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Wasting water

I live by the Joe Albi sports complex and every day I see hundreds of gallons of drinking water from the aquifer being used to irrigate the baseball, soccer and football fields. This is every day — not every other day like the city is telling us homeowners to do. I believe that the Parks Department doesn’t have to pay for this water. If I had to pay for all the water used by the Parks Department at my homeowner’s rate I would have to be a millionaire.

If the aquifer is being depleted as the city would have us believe, then the Joe Albi sports complex should start using recycled water from the wastewater treatment plant located three-quarters of a mile to the south. If the aquifer is truly being depleted then parks, playfields and golf courses that are near wastewater treatment plants should be required to use recycled water from these plants.

Many cities and towns in the southwest part of our country have been using recycled water from treatment plants to irrigate their parks and playfields for many years. Come on, Spokane, let’s get on the ball and save our aquifer.

Rick Johnson


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