Watch the border
I am asking all people to please look at what is happening on the Mexican border. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing the border monthly. There were no additional Border Patrol officers hired to handle the flooding of people coming in. Current Border Patrol officers do not have the resources to process and check for COVID or any other disease they bring with them nor their criminal records. Some are caught most are not. They are getting a free pass into America.
With that being said, there is more sex and drug trafficking going on, than any other time in history. Open border for ALL. On the other side we have Canada, our allies and always have had a good understanding of border regulations. It is still closed — why???
Don’t let your party affiliation cloud your judgement of reason. The establishment is now pushing for masks for extended time and restrictions on those not vaccinated.
No room for hypocrites, I hear their words, see their actions and they never match to the same thing, NEVER.
Rebecca E. Pope