Sue Lani Madsen’s August 19th column (“For many, vaccination mandate is a step too far”) compares Gov. Inslee to King George during the American Revolution. Anyone with a rudimentary education knows that such a comparison is ridiculous.
Citizens of England and America did not elect King George. The majority of citizens in Washington state did freely and fairly elect Governor Inslee. At the Boston Tea Party, which Madsen likens to current anti-mask/anti-vaccine protests, citizens shouted, “No taxation without representation.” They were sick of giving money to King George with no return.
The comparison between taxation without representation to mask and vaccine mandates is ridiculous. King George wasn’t concerned about the health and welfare of American citizens or their financial well-being, and he certainly wasn’t listening to advice from health professionals. Governor Inslee IS concerned about the health and welfare of the citizens of Washington state and he IS listening to advice from health professionals. They advocate vaccination and mask wearing inside schools and businesses in order to keep them open, and in order to reduce the spread of the Delta variant.
If the transmission of COVID is reduced enough with these measures, then hospitals can free up beds which are now clogged with COVID patients. Inslee’s mandates are legal, fact informed decisions, made for the welfare of all the citizens of Washington state.
Jane Mark
Newman Lake