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This column reflects the opinion of the writer. Learn about the differences between a news story and an opinion column.

By men, for men

When reading Mark Theissen’s article about the Supreme Court (“On abortion, Supreme Court is set to overturn decades of wrongs,” Dec. 5), I saw a bit that stated women’s rights to abortion were not mentioned in the Constitution. When I read that I had a great big laugh.

The Constitution was written by men for men. At the time it was written, women were pieces of property, just like dogs or horses, and had no rights outside the home. They were used as breeding machines, and far too often they died in pregnancy or in childbirth.

Nowadays, a lot of women have the right to have jobs outside the home, and a lot of men rely on the income these women bring in. This is not mentioned in the Constitution either. As these justices are relying on the original intent of the Constitution, would they deny a woman’s right to have a job outside the home? I think a lot of women, and men, would be up in arms if the justices ruled on that.

Valerie Derks

Deer Park

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