Idahoans have role too
We have a high incidence of COVID-19 in the Spokane area.This is why we are having problems with Gov. Inslee’s Healthy Washington-Road Map to Recovery guidelines.
We have many people who work in the Spokane area who live in Post Falls and the Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, area. They travel back and forth across the state line every day. From early morning hours and again in the early evening the freeway is full of cars from our Idaho neighbors. They do this because they are working in Washington.
My message to everyone is wear a mask and help protect ourselves from those who have been exposed. In Idaho everything is basically wide open. Idaho citizens do not have to comply to our COVID restrictions and they work here every day.
How do we solve this? I don’t have the answer. I am asking you please to be careful when your home in the wonderful state of Idaho. Please comply to the voluntary restrictions requested by your governor. We can end this by working together.
Jim Christiansen
Nine Mile Falls