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Is there hope for us?

As a conservative Christian university professor (quite an oxymoron, huh), I find it hard to recognize the country I grew up in.

We hate each other, we hurt each other; we refuse to listen to each other; we claim to be correct while believing others to be wrong; we renounce everything that made America a great nation; we propagate violence on others while excusing it on our side; we elect politicians not public servants; we claim to be peaceful protestors while others are violent rioters; we judge our ancestors by today’s standards while giving ourselves a pass; we ask for unity and then create division; we see each other as either oppressed or as an oppressor; and we violently take while refusing to give.

It doesn’t take much to follow this trend to its logical conclusion. As a people and a country we have failed. The God of All Creation would say we have sinned but we merely dismiss Him as no longer relevant. Is there hope for America? I believe so but only if we as a nation (a group of individuals) will humble ourselves and pray and ask God in His mercy to grant us His unmerited favor and to forgive us for the wrongs we have committed.

James L. Nimnicht, Ph.D.

Loon Lake, Wash.

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