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Vote yes for kids!

Our Teachers, Counselor and staff are working hard for our Spokane students.

I have heard a few folks wondering why they should support our Spokane Schools upcoming replacement levy on the February 9, 2021, special election. They mention that schools are closed and teachers aren’t working very hard. I can tell you first hand that this is simply NOT TRUE!

Our Schools Need You

This has been a difficult and contentious year in our country and the Spokane Community. In a couple months we will have the opportunity to vote “Yes for Kids”, casting our ballots for something inspiring rather than divisive. Spokane Public Schools (along with other local districts) will ask voters to approve a replacement levy on February 9, 2021. This is not a new tax, it replaces the existing levy at a rate lower than 2018 and prior years to fund programs and essential services foundation to our education system.

Teachers are working harder than ever to make distance and in-person learning successful for our students. I know that my children’s teachers are working longer hours and on many weekends to keep up with the demand and time-intensive nature of keeping our kids on track with the quality education they deserve.

Please join me in voting YES on the Spokane Schools replacement levy by February 9th to make sure our students will have great school experiences. Please support the upcoming levy – Vote Yes for Kids!

Tiffany Zuck


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