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A very Catholic teaching

Thank you, Rob McCann, for your courageous leadership

Social justice through human dignity is an important tenet of the Catholic Church. Black Lives Matter works toward human dignity and social justice for all Black Americans (and others). In spite of Bishop Daly’s claim without evidence, BLM does not condone violence. The claim and its corresponding cut to Catholic Charities funding was a divisive move that joins other efforts by spinmeisters to incite divisions through fear and mistrust of other people and ideas.

The same division-instigators spun as unpatriotic the idea of kneeling during the national anthem. Baloney. Kneeling is a sign of reverence, and the sign was chosen carefully to bring attention to the violence visited upon Black Americans every day in the USA.

We suggest, Bishop Daly, that you denounce divisiveness and join Mr. McCann and BLM in the difficult work of forging connections among people through genuine discussions, working toward understanding and reconciliation. BLM presses all of us to recognize the dignity of Black people, and when we do, we increase the dignity of all humankind, a very Catholic teaching.

Jackie and Mark Coomes


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