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Students need support system

When district administrators say that the local levy covers significant pitfalls of the state education system, they aren’t kidding.

According to the website for Spokane Public Schools, the salaries for 20 of 77 counselors, 46 of 152 custodians, and 32 of 48 total technology support staff are covered by the local levy. Together with various special education and extracurricular programs, these costs make up 13.6 percent of the district’s overall budget — not an insignificant amount.

It is easy for me to see why these programs are critical for keeping public schools afloat, even more so in a time of extreme emotional and economic hardship, but that may be because I benefit from the system every day as a student at North Central High School. I’ve experienced the benefits of having a robust support system at every step of my educational journey. I’ve experienced the benefits of having well-paid teachers and school staff that care about their students. I’ve experienced the benefits of having programs and policies that work to further equity and opportunity in our community.

If you need a simpler message, hear this: A child’s school is the most substantial presence in their life because of the support it provides. The children of Spokane need that support more than ever right now, so schools need your support as well. Help give a sense of normalcy to the children in your life by fully funding our schools and programs.

Jacob Gannon


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