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Enforcement saves lives

The incident in which Benjamin Gedeon was struck by a car (“Lawsuit alleges city negligence after pedestrian hit at crossing,” June 28) raises issues of driving habits.

As a frequent pedestrian and bicyclist, I can attest that among Spokane drivers there are the good, the bad and the entitled, and that when they mix, it is often to the detriment of the pedestrian or bicyclist. The law-abiding driver stops for the non-motorist when required but if the street is multi-lane and the bad or entitled drivers do not stop, the non-motorist either risks life and limb to cross the street or leaves the law-abiding driver hanging while the other drivers get away with disobeying the law.

While the Spokesman article focused on pedestrian signals and street design, both of which are important, I believe that another corrective would be enormously helpful: clear, frequent enforcement of the law with imposition of attention-getting penalties for violations.

Linda Carroll


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