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Bingle worthy of your vote

I am writing to share why I support Jonathan Bingle to serve as my city councilman.

As a mother of school-age children, I have realized how important our local leadership is.

Jonathan Bingle has lived in the local Spokane area his entire life. He, like many of us, has seen the struggle with homelessness continue to grow. As a husband and father, public safety is also a very important concern of his. He will support our local police both with funding and the resources they need to protect us. He is also concerned with the local housing crisis and will fight for the interests of the local citizens.

I have personally had the chance to work with Jonathan Bingle and can say I know he is incredibly passionate about Spokane and has an excellent work ethic.

We need to be mindful now more than ever of who is making the decisions not just at the national level, but at the local level as well. With the threat of bureaucratic red tape affecting developers and the homeless industrial complex, it is imperative that we vote for someone who cares about the people of Spokane and not the special interest groups.

Voting for Jonathan Bingle is a vote for the people of Spokane.

Heidi Fritzmeier


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