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Can’t trust the sources

No longer a Democrat. Don’t want to be a Republican. I guess I want to be an Informed Voter.

I have discovered that the Democratic leaders and most of the news media have been lying to and misleading me. How so, you say? I watch and listen to a live, (I repeat: live ) speech or the live proceedings of the Senate or House, or for that matter, any newsworthy, live-as-it-happens occurrence. Then I listen to those who I suspect are lying to me to compare their version to the actual event. This small exercise reveals stunning results.

You cannot be an informed voter when all you see and hear from most of the news media is half-truths, misrepresentation and outright lies. It’s not about being just an informed voter, it’s about getting true and honest information that will help us make the correct decisions that will guide us though our daily lives.

When someone or some entity demonstrates time and time again that they can’t be reliable or trusted, who would want to continue to rely on them for their information?

Chris Powell, this is my answer to your question of June 27 (“What’s wrong with us?”). Be careful were you get your information from.

Larry Sackmann


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