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The Olympic flag

As we near the next Olympics, how many people pay attention to the U.S. Olympic symbol? How many times a day do we see the Olympics advertised on TV? Did you notice the 13-star flag on the symbol?

In August 2016 the U.S. Olympic Committee changed the logo to include a 13-star flag instead of a 50-star flag. This was because it would be too hard to put 50 stars on a logo the size of a cookie. It also represents the 13 original colonies. The logo is on the uniforms our athletes wear.

When the Modern Olympics were formed in 1896, 13 countries competed. The five Olympic rings represent five continents: Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Australia. In the five colored rings the red ring represent the Americas (North America & South America). So let’s cheer on our athletes and enjoy the games.

Stan Wills, curator, Spokane Flag Museum


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