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Will their promises last?

We need solutions that smartly dovetail bold 21st-century infrastructure needs with a river recovery effort to ensure salmon runs for the generations to come.

Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee promised that they wouldn’t let wild salmon go extinct on their watch. They also called for consensus on the issue. Well, on the scientific front, there is broad consensus: Without restoring the lower Snake River by removing four dams, Snake River salmon will go extinct. Of the factors impacting the health of the Columbia River Basin, scientists concur that this is the one factor that will have the greatest impact on salmon recovery.

Therefore, to make good on their promises, Sen. Murray and Gov. Inslee must engage and act on the urgency and funding requirements that this crisis demands — starting now. It doesn’t make sense to wait until a species is on the brink of extinction before stepping in. This is a defining moment for the Northwest. It will require a comprehensive, bipartisan effort, but we must seize the opportunity to save our salmon. We cannot afford to walk away.

Laura L. Ackerman


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