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Pet rescuers
Thank you to The Spokesman-Review for featuring this animal cruelty case (“Pet rescuers discover more than 80 dogs,” June 17). While I am extremely grateful for the Kootenai Humane Society’s prompt response and all the volunteers who helped the animals in this case, if people would do what I and many others are doing, these crimes would largely come to an end.
The solution is to stop supporting the breeding of all of these animals in the first place. And for those of us who still want a pet, make sure every one is spayed and neutered before they ever breed and use this opportunity to educate others on why you support an end to it.
Humans will never rescue their way out of abuse. There will be literally millions who never see any relief to their suffering until death comes, due to the resistance of owners’ breeders, the billion-dollar pet companies, and sadly, a few of the veterinarians.
I pray for the comfort and safety of every single animal on this planet and I hope to God others read this and and do what they can to end the suffering I described.
Kelly Tansy